Healthy Chocolate Pudding
We all need to indulge every now and again in something a little sweet. I came up with this recipe a few years ago and its been a stable, it has good fats and cacao which is now considered a super food.
I just like it because it is the base of chocolate which I love.
So you might be wondering why cacao is classified as a super food. Let’s take a quick look.
Cacao contains antioxidants. An antioxidant reduces free radicals that enters our body via pollutants and toxins in our environment. If we don’t eat foods containing antioxidants this can lead to cell and tissue damage in our body leading to numerous diseases.
Cacao is the highest plant base source of heme-iron. We all need iron in our diet for oxygen transportation, energy production, immune system, growth and development.
It’s full of magnesium, magnesium is needed for over 300 methylation pathways so essential for life and the health of your body.
Cacao has more calcium than good old cows milk.
It elevates your mood and improves you neurotransmitter production. Ever wondered why you feel so good when eating chocolate?
Just to be clear I’m talking about dark chocolate here with very little sugar. This is where the benefits come in. So rather than reaching for a sugar laden chocolate bar make yourself this delicious chocolate pudding.
1/4 cup of coconut yogurt ( you could also use greek yogurt)
2 rounded tablespoons of cacao
1-2 teaspoon of raw honey or maple syrup.
Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Top with your favourite berries and some grated dark chocolate of your choice.
Hope you enjoy this lovely little dessert. Add it to your favourite and share it with your friends.
Jennie x