Walking into the New Year
Happy New Year, I trust you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year?
I can’t believe we are already into 2019, last year went incredibly fast with some amazing accomplishments. I finally finished my Bachelor of Health Science degree majoring in Naturopathy, it was a huge effort and not with out challenges as some of you would know from my last two blogs.
As an update on my health journey my last visit to the liver specialist at the end of November once again showed that I’m still in remission. I’m so thankful that I have managed to stay there. Though I must admit every time I visit the specialist I am astounded by their negativity about this fact. Every time they ask me if I want to take the medication and I look at them blankly and ask ‘why would I? All my blood work is normal’. All I hear them say is ‘its highly unlikely you will stay there and am I prepared to go back on the medication?’ I’m now at the point of not caring what they say but I do wonder why they aren’t saying things like ‘well done, how did you do it?’ ‘keep doing what you are doing’, ‘you look great’.
I know, I know, it’s really about the Pharmaceutical companies and the money, I get that and that my friends, is a whole other blog, however; a little bit of encouragement goes a long way.
The stress of finishing my degree is done and dusted; thank goodness for that. The last 12 weeks were difficult and I was stressed to the max, I was worried that may push me out of remission (stress does HUGE things to your body) but I am thankful that didn’t happen.
So as this New Year starts off, I am feeling the best I have in years. My digestive issues have cleared and I have started eating foods I haven’t been able to eat for years, namely Oats! I have reinstated an exercise programme and increasing my fitness daily!
Oh and I want to let you all know that my hair is coming back at a very fast rate! Those that have read my other blogs, would know the real struggle I had with loosing my hair. It’s grown amazingly fast and will be back to the length it was in no time.
So what does the New Year bring? Well, I’m unsure at this stage. I am continuing with growing my business but I have also applied for other positions that will be complementary to my business and expand my skill set.
I’m not a huge fan of New Years resolutions, I’ve always had the thought that if you want to change something do it today, don’t wait till the New Year to do it. I guess for me its a timely thing that I finished my degree and it’s also a New Year. I’m looking forward to more family time. We missed out on so much last year so I’m aiming for weekends away, catching up with some dear friends and learning to live again without study (although I am constantly learning and reading).
I look back over 2018 and I have grown in more ways than I could have ever imagined. As I approach my 49th Birthday (what? really?) I am proud of the things I have achieved, many in this last year. Confidence in myself and my ability as a practitioner, strength I didn’t know I had, gratefulness for the knowledge I have acquired to bring me back to full health, determination to finish what I started and excitement for the next part of my journey. Even though these positive traits have shone through, I have battled with anxiety (first time in my life) and being overwhelmed with what lay before me. There has been many tears however I have always managed to come through those dark periods to be where the sun shines.
My daughter recently turned 21, now she is my fourth child out of 5, her younger brother is turning 16 next month, and it has dawned on me that I am coming closer to a new stage in life. I am embracing each day with enthusiasm and savouring every moment before that change comes. I have had time to reflect on my children’s achievements and I am astounded at what they have achieved. My oldest son is living in LA chasing his dream in the music industry (and doing so well, check him out on Spotify Trove, Instagram listentotrove, I had to give him a plug)
My second son is not far behind as he is also musically gifted and pursuing Music Producing and has dreams of joining his older brother in LA (his Instagram is coming)
My third son, has just launched a career in Real Estate and loving it and he is also a plant guru (check out his Instagram swoonplants).
My daughter is in her last year of a Bachelor of Midwifery and she is loving it and my youngest son is going into year 11 so lots of work ahead for him.
Anyway I digress, what mother doesn’t like to brag about her children? I guess what I’m trying to say is that life is precious, embrace whatever stage you are in, savour every minute. If you have little ones enjoy those moments it goes by so quickly and they grow so fast, if you have teenagers then it can be challenging but also so very rewarding watching them develop into young adults and if you have adult children you understand the stages and realise time goes by so quickly; it waits for no one.
So I guess my question is, to whoever is taking the time to read this, how are you approaching this year? Are you struggling with your health? Are you struggling emotionally? Have you considered seeing a Naturopath?A Naturopath will look at the person as a whole, not just what you put in your mouth, but also the emotional stuff, the stress and everything else that’s going on in your world. I had to not only focus on my health but also my emotions and the world I was in and what may be detrimental to improving my health.
I am passionate about helping others feel healthy again, I am testament to the effects of Natural Therapies and the power of a positive mindset (this is still an on going challenge) but I look back and realise that I’ve come a very long way from where I started. The Dr’s are so quick to cast negativity and always look at the worst possible outcome, which can at times be overwhelming and can lead to a downward spiral of depression. I refused to accept this, I was determined to fight with every part of my soul, it wasn’t easy, if it was easy everyone would be doing this journey as well. Everyday is a new day and I would look at myself in the mirror and say ‘I’ve got this’, my daughter often says to me regarding any challenge that I may face is, ‘You got this Mum!’.
I guess at the end of the day I want to encourage you to fight for your health, believe in your ability to help yourself. It’s never easy but if you don’t give up and you keep putting one foot in front of the other you will make progress.
If you would like to see me and allow me be your support person on your journey to health, come and see me, I can help you be the best version of you. Not in Melbourne? I do online consults as well.
Hope your day is magical,